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Well hello!

I’m so glad you’re here because I have news for you that changed my life! Jesus has made me holy, righteous, victorious and whole. He says I am no longer a sinner. In fact, He calls me a saint! For a long time I didn't realize that to be true. And the more I connect with others, I've discovered many people don't realize those truths either. One of the reasons I have this site and write and speak, is to share this incredible news. And if I can even help one person realize who God says they are, it's worth it.  I know how believing these truths have changed every relationship I have - from my perspective of myself and my situations, how I view other people to how I treat my body with food and activity. Living from what God says is true changed EVERYTHING in my life! 


One day I was running on the treadmill and my thoughts bounced around from family to work to Jesus. As they settled on our Savior, my body began to feel as light as a feather, as if I could run for all of eternity. I felt an overwhelming sensation sweep over me that made me gush with excitement; almost as if I were blushing from attention.


I jumped off the treadmill and ran into our house to share with my husband! With great enthusiasm and almost teary eyed, I shouted, “I think God is preparing me for something but I’m just not sure what it is yet! Maybe it’s writing books, I don’t know! But whatever it is, I’m supposed to give Jesus all the glory!”


Well, you can imagine the look on his face. I think he was watching a football game. He let out a small, “Ok, cool.” And I think he followed it up with, “Can you make me a sandwich?” Um, I don’t believe he quite understood this monumental moment in my life. That’s okay, because I didn’t understand all of it at the time either.


That was several years ago and since then, Jesus has continuously been pursuing me with His truths about living an abundant life from His completion.

See if you can relate to any of my old thoughts that he began to renew:

I dread getting older.

(Life is short so I wanted to do what I wanted to do.)

I grin and bear my hurts.

(Life is busy so I didn't want to slow down to reflect and evaluate.)

I blame others and live in my past.

(It seemed easier to feel victimized.)

I worry about things out of my control.

(This was a big one for me.)

I neglect saturating on God's truths, daily.

(I was running on my opinion and other people's opinion.)

I don't want to disappoint people.

(Saying no to others was not in my vocabulary.)

I am content living a half-dead life accepting the lie, "This is just as good as it gets so get the most out of it while you can." 

But imagine this for a minute… you’re standing at the FINISHED line at a race and that is your starting point. You get to begin the race at the line of completion! You are not broken! You are wonderfully and beautifully made! And you, my friend, are now fully alive and free to live FROM victory! 


And the freedom God has for us through Jesus’ completion

is what I can’t stop talking about! Whether it’s through my

books, speaking at retreats and events, teaching classes,

fitness training, workshops, or simply over a cup of coffee,

it always finds a way out.

I would LOVE to hear from you! I believe hearing people's

stories is instrumental in strengthening our faith. Simply

fill out the connect form and click submit! You can also

follow me on social media! 


I’m in love with Jesus and what He has done for me and

how He continues to change me. He believes in me. And

He believes in you too. 




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